In the words of Anatole France — "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
My soul began awakening early in life. As a child I was always surrounded by animals.
I grew up on a small hobby farm where my dad raised chickens and rabbits. Although we tried, my younger sister and I learned very quickly not to make them pets. They were for eating.
Dad was a hunter and he always had a hunting dog. All were outdoor barn dogs. We kids didn't pay them much attention.
My mom had budgies that would do tricks for her. Me, they bit.

animal as our family, we begin to understand — animals are our family." That fiesty little black dog was most definitely family.
He brought such joy, laughter and love into our lives. He truly made our lives whole.
He loved walks in the woods or just around the block, visiting neighbours. Back in the house, he ran around like a maniac burning off the extra energy. He let us dress him up for Hallowe'en, happily getting his own treats too. During thunderstorms, he kept me company on the front porch, quietly watching the fury of the storm. He was the best cuddler.
At 14, Shadow developed congestive heart failure. We squeezed out another year by feeding him a special diet and giving him meds, but meds and food alone weren't going to fix him. Another trip to the vet and again the news wasn't good. Shadow's kidneys were shutting down. It was just a matter of time.
"Angels walk among us. Sometimes they are unseen and have wings, and sometimes they pant and lick our faces." I so agree with those words by Jonathan Brook.
It's been 9 years since Shadow slipped away and became a 4-legged angel. He left a big hole in my heart. I think of him often and remember his whole-body wiggles of enthusiasm for car rides, walks and special treats. He was my favourite pet. And even though there were challenges, I wouldn't have traded one moment of the pet experience. Shadow truly awakened my soul.
After all ... love is a four legged word.
Contributed by WOW Gal Brenda Toth